Storm Water Management

Our Village is required to reduce storm water pollutants that discharge to the Fox River in order to meet its storm water discharge permit requirements imposed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as required by NR216.  The Village of Combined Locks will meet the required 20% reduction of storm water pollutants for lands within the community which also lay within the Garners Creek Watershed.  Additional reductions of pollutant loadings will require the construction of storm water retention ponds.  Since 1998 and over the next several years, the Village will continue to work jointly with neighboring communities and private property owners to meet the requirements of NR216.  

The Village of Combined Locks Stormwater Management Plan was prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.

Prepared For The VILLAGE OF COMBINED LOCKS, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN (download full report in three sections.)
Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3

The purpose of the plan is to provide the Village with the long-term guidance necessary to comply with NR  216 stormwater regulations and improve water quality within receiving waters. Pursuant to NR 216, the Village of Combined Locks was required to obtain a WPDES Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permit. The purpose of the permit is to control urban non-point source pollution by regulating discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4). A copy of the WPDES Permit is provided in Appendix A.

As part of the municipal permit, the Village is responsible for developing a stormwater management plan and implementing six minimum control measures.

The six minimum control measures consist of:

▪Public Education and Outreach
▪Public Involvement and Participation
▪Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
▪Construction Site Pollutant Control
▪Post-Construction Site Stormwater Management
▪Municipal Pollution Prevention

This storm water management plan is organized in a manner similar to the WPDES Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permit. The plan identifies the goals and objectives for each of the six minimum control measures, explain show the program was developed, and describes how the Village intends to implement each aspect of the stormwater program, including measurable goals.

MARCH 1, 2021 | McM. No.C0006-9-21-00226